Roberto Piola
Tom Tom
Car-mounting the rider
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Car-mounting the TomTom Rider

Why did the rider hit the italian market without the car-mounting kit?
While waiting for the official kit, I managed to attach the navigator to the dashboad of my car in a simple and inexpensive way:
First, get a stripe of 3M "Dual Lock" tape (it is velcro-like on one side, and adhesive on the other side... it is the same tape that fastens italian "telepass" devices to the windscreen of the car):
Then, cut two small pieces of it (about 2x1 cm), and attach them on the back of the rider:
take care of placing them sufficiently apart so that they do not interfere with the bike support.
Cut two more small pieces of Dual Lock and apply the to the border of your dashboard:
And voila'! It is easier if you first attach the velcro side of these last two pieces to the tomtom, and then press the whole device on the dashboard, so that the dual lock is positioned exactly.
The applicability of this method depends on the exact shape of your dashboard. I was happy that the border of mine matched very neatly the back of the rider, and it did not cover any indicator or command. I do not assume any responsability about any damage you can do to your TomTom or to your car.
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