RP English
Roberto Piola
  • ImageFilter


    Versione Italiana


    ImageFilter collection

    This directory contains a group of java classes, all subclasses of ImageFilter, that implement some useful image transformation.

    I developed them during my stay at the University of Aberdeen, needing them for a simple vision system (well, actually a system that performs Constructive Induction after "seeing" visually the appearance of the data), and I give them away for free, even if they are not as perfect as I would like.

    You can freely use and redistribute them, provided that credit is given in the documentation of your program. Please let me know if you find them useful.

  • WholeImageFilter, an abstract class needed for some of the other ones
  • ImageSmootherFilter, a simple smoothing algorithm
  • EdgeDetectionFilter, a simple edge detection algorithm
  • You can downlad all of them in imagefilter.zip

    The documentation is enclosed in the source code, as comments. The various files constitute a package called piola.imagefilters, but you do not necessarily need all of them.